When Your Partner Is Addicted to Pornography

You desire a relationship with your partner where you can tell each other anything and you feel safe enough to address concerns you may have about the relationship.

You love your partner with all your heart but their addiction to pornography is a huge burden for you.

You know that their use of pornography is affecting your sex life and your emotional intimacy. Your partner tries to stop but can’t. They do not want to try counseling and you feel embarrassed to talk to your friends about it.

In my experience in working with women in this situation, they often feel hurt, betrayed, unimportant and alone.

At times you feel selfish to keep bringing up the problem. You might even be second guessing yourself asking, “Am I making this a bigger deal than it needs to be?

But, what keeps you up at night is knowing something needs to change, but you don’t know what to do.

You do not have to go through this alone.

I create a safe place for you to process how you feel about these sexual issues in your relationship.

I also facilitate conversations between partners and work on communicating their needs and how to best work together.

If you would like extra support on navigating this deeply personal issue, schedule an appointment today. I can help.

Lisa Mihevc, Marriage & Family Therapist

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