Two partners that feel disconnected or out of sync are not necessarily going to agree on when it...
What If I’m Not Sure I Want to Stay in My Marriage?!
Many people start seriously contemplating couples therapy after things have become so bad that...
7 Mental Health Books & Apps a Couples Therapist Recommends
Mental health is a topic that is often overlooked. However, it is important to address mental...
Social Media’s Effect on Marriage: How to Balance Screen Time and Keep Your Relationship Strong
We live in a digital age, and with that comes some challenges for our relationships. One of the...
Mansplaining Couples Counseling
Let’s be honest, many men have very strong fears associated with opening up to their partners...
3 Ways to Make Your Marriage Dance
Over time, once the “honeymoon period” ends, maybe a few kids have joined the family, marriages...
3 Ways to Prioritize Your Mental Health in the New Year
The new year is upon us, and that means more goals to work towards. But what about working on...
7 Tips to Reduce Relationship Stress During the Holidays
The holidays are a busy time. Between the stress of gift-giving, hosting family and friends, and...
When Your Partner Is Addicted to Pornography
You desire a relationship with your partner where you can tell each other anything and you feel...
3 Ways Couples Can Successfully Navigate BIG Life Transitions
Most couples want to be on the same team, but when big life transitions inevitably come, many...